Highly-Effective Tools to Identify Exploited and Trafficked Minors

Historical Info

January 31, 2023


Heidi Olson MSN, RN, SANE-P (bio)


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Traditional methods of trafficking identification are not effective with minors. Learn effective tools, how to use them, healing, and more.


  • Participants will understand why traditional methods of trafficking identification are not effective with minors
  • Participants will learn how to use effective methods, including a screening tool, to identify exploitation and trafficking
  • Participants will understand the importance of a multidisciplinary team in bringing healing to victims of exploitation and trafficking.


Heidi Olson MSN, RN, SANE-P

Founder and President
Paradigm Shift Training and Consulting LLC

Heidi Olson, RN, MSN, CPN, SANE-P is a Certified Pediatric Nurse and Certified Pediatric Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), she is also the Founder and President of Paradigm Shift Training and Consulting, which equips healthcare workers with skills to be able to identify and treat victims of trafficking and exploitation.

Heidi previously managed the SANE Program at a large Children’s Hospital where she performed/reviewed over 1,500 pediatric sexual assault exams, many of them trafficking cases, communicated with a large multidisciplinary team, and educated hundreds of staff members on relevant topics regarding sexual violence. Heidi also serves as an expert witness in civil and criminal trials related to sexual assault.

In 2019, Heidi implemented an evidence-based screening process in an Emergency Department, which has resulted in hundreds of vulnerable children being identified as victims of exploitation. Heidi has testified in favor of bills that have been passed into law and most recently, Heidi testified at a briefing in Washington D.C. about protecting children online.

Over the last few years, Heidi has presented over 200 times internationally about recognizing human trafficking, child-on-child sexual assault, pornography, and exploitation. Heidi has also been featured in several documentaries, including Vulnerable Innocence, which has won 24 awards.